Controller Support!

We had a big update last Friday as I went whole hog and embraced controller support for the game. As the devlog describes in more detail, this involved two weeks of going through every screen and system in the game, paying off technical debt and rethinking systems so that they worked smoothly with mouse, controller, and keyboard.

Oddly enough, the inspiration for all of this was the recent announcement of the Steam Deck. I was brought up as a PC gamer, though I’ve developed more of an appreciation of consoles and handhelds over the years. The Switch has been a great combination of gaming tech for me… and the only thing that would make it perfect is full access to my Steam library.

Well, thank you, Valve, problem solved. But the first thought that came to my head as I watched the Steam Deck footage was… “I really want to play INDOMITABLE on my Steam Deck.”

The new hardware is months away, of course, and there were some moments in the last couple of weeks where I really wondered if I was on a fool’s errand. But playing on the controller now, even with some bugs and design choices still to be hammered out? It feels good. Really good. This is one rabbit hole I was glad to jump down into.

