
creative_wiring full size.png

It’s hard to tell when a game stops being an idea and becomes real.

Is it when you first started to scratch out a design? The first time you wrote some code and it actually worked? The first time you received a finished piece of art? The first time you actually play the game?

Surely it’s not when the game is published, because INDOMITABLE is a long way from true publication and it sure feels real to me.

But for better or worse, I think this is the Rubicon. A few weeks ago, I decided that, come hell or high water, I was going to put up a playable version of this game at the beginning of July. Two days ago, I finally figured out what the game’s title was, and what that meant for the design.

So here we are. Crossing the line of websites and uploads and and seeing if anyone actually wants to be part of the story of Petra, Sylph, the Indomitable, and this weird little world I’ve been living with for the last year. INDOMITABLE is a something now, and we’ll figure out exactly what in the months to come.


Controller Support!